DorPIP Dads

Free Online Course

DorPIP Dads is an educational and life skill course which will provide you with up to date information about men’s mental health, baby development and how that impacts on your role as a father. It is also a confidential space for you to ask the questions you never felt you could and explore your own thoughts and feelings around parenthood 

Our DorPIP Dads Course is delivered online

How are you feeling? 

Quite often this question is directed toward Mum, however at DorPIP we recognise that Dads can often feel invisible to services (and friends and family) when it is an equally significant time of change, challenge, transition and learning for you too. 

  • Not only have you just been handed a brand-new little human, your baby, but you may also have had to witnessed your partner going through a difficult pregnancy or birth 

  • Your baby may be going through a difficult time especially in the early weeks, or at times of rapid development change 

  • Perhaps your partner is struggling adjusting to their new role, feeling isolated, like they have lost their identity, out of their depth 

  • Perhaps you are too, how are you Dad?  

All these factors will impact on you, yet all too often dads feel they can't reach out for help.  

There's a myth that you must be 'strong', despite possibly experiencing your own feelings of anxiety, feeling out of control and other things too.  

We appreciate that finding your feet as a new or expectant parent can be both an exciting and difficult time.  

As much as you want to be there for your partner, it can be difficult juggling your needs, your partners, and this whole new person you helped bring into this world. 

Mark Williams - DorPIP Dads Creator

DorPIP Dads has been developed by Mark Williams, a keynote speaker, author and international campaigner.

He founded International Fathers’ Mental Health Day (20/06/23) and the #HowAreYouDad Campaign to help ensure that all parents and families are supported throughout the perinatal period. In 2012, Mark was awarded “Inspirational Father of the year” and “Local Hero” at the Pride of Britain Awards. On World Mental Health Day in 2016 Mark was invited to meet The Royal Family and in 2019 he was awarded the Point of light Award by the Prime Minister. 

DorPIP Trustee and Perinatal Mental Health expert, Dr Andy Mayers says, "Often husbands and partners are overlooked when it comes to providing support and information on mental health. Evidence suggests that the risk factors and impact of perinatal mental health are reduced when mums have a supportive partner.   

Furthermore, fathers can also develop perinatal mental health problems either as a result of their spouse's/partner's illness, or independently. There is often little guidance available for men to understand the causes, risk factors, treatments, and prognosis of perinatal mental illness, quite apart from what support they can give to their partner. Fathers also need information on how to improve their own mental health so that they can continue to play the vital role they have in supporting their child’s development and wellbeing".  

“The course helped me first hand to connect deeper with my baby and understand their cues and that I could be a hands on part of their early months as well.” - Grant

“As a new dad, it has given me support and confidence that I am doing ok with looking after our baby and also that I am not alone in the parenting process, so good to share experiences and emotions with other Dads.“- Pete

“Being able to relax and chat each week within a relaxing and friendly group has really helped me to not just begin to understand my baby’s needs and development, but also to understand my own feelings and be able to share them in a safe space.” - Nathan

After benefiting from our services families often feel like they want to give back. If this is you, thank you, we appreciate your support.

Make a Donation
If you're able, consider making a donation to our Local Giving Page. Donations help us run our services.

Write a Google Review: Your review of your experience with DorPIP could encourage others to reach out for support, and benefit from our services as well.

Volunteering: Volunteer a little of your time to help with small tasks or projects. For instance, you could help spread the word about the DorPIP’s services on social media.

Spread the Word: Simply telling your friends, family, and colleagues about DorPIP the organization and the positive impact it has had on your life can go a long way.

 DorPIP Dads FAQs

  • This is your Choice. The host will ask questions to the group throughout the sessions, you can reply with your voice or via the chat option. Although to get the most out of the class, we would encourage you to turn on your mic to chat with the host and the other attendees.

  • It is up to you whether you have your camera on or not. It can feel nice and contribute to the ‘community’ feel by turning your camera on, but if you enjoy the privacy or have a busy household and would rather keep the camera off, that is also fine. Please note that if you do have your camera on, spend a few moments finding the best place for it, keep the light or window in front of you or you’ll be a shadow, and position it away from you, so we can see you. 

  • We want to help your family to flourish and payment for services need not be a barrier. Our DorPIP Dads online courses are Free to attend. As we are an independent local charity, we rely on grants and donations to keep our service going, you’ll be asked to complete a Sign-up form for DorPIP services form which will assess if you can access our other services for free as well. 

    You may not find all the questions are relevant to the service you’ve requested however please complete the form as fully as possible as this will give us a good overview of what is currently going on for you and your family.  

  • Our DorPIP Dads sessions is open to Dads only.

  • We encourage you to attend all the sessions, but we understand that life with a newborn or in the late stages of pregnancy can be difficult. Please let us know at by email to if you are not going to be attending a session

  • Our live online classes are delivered via Zoom or Microsoft Teams which gives you a 2 way experience with the host and other participants if you choose. You can access these via your Mobile phone, computer or tablet. A DorPIP administrator may also be present during the course incase any technical difficulties arise.