Our Commitment to Families

At DorPIP, we are committed to fostering trust and delivering quality services to families.  

We will measure our success by gauging the level of comfort and confidence families feel when interacting with our team and evaluating the effectiveness of our policies and procedures.  

By implementing clear policies and procedures, providing training and consistently adhering to our commitment, we can create an environment where families can engage with us comfortably and confidently.  

Ensuring ethical conduct and maintaining the privacy and security of families' information aligns with our core values and mission to provide reliable and supportive services.  

Our commitment to ethical standards and the implementation of policies will be ongoing and subject to regular reviews and updates to ensure that families' needs are consistently met and exceeded.  

We have made a sincere commitment to uphold ethical standards. As members of the DorPIP staff, we pledge to: 

 Prioritise Families 

  • Make families our top priority during our interactions. 

  • Provide families with a high standard of service that meets their needs. 

 Maintain Professionalism 

  • Operate within our areas of expertise 

  • Continuously update and enhance our knowledge and skills. 

  • Collaborate with colleagues to enhance the quality of services provided to families. 

  • Ensure our personal well-being is sufficient to deliver quality work. 

  • Keep accurate and appropriate records of our interactions. 

 Respect and Value 

  • Treat each family as a unique and valued individual 

  • Safeguard the confidentiality and privacy of our clients in line with the DorPIP Safeguarding Policy and DorPIP Data Protection Policy 

  • Collaboratively establish how we will work together with families. 

  • Foster partnerships with families to achieve positive outcomes. 

 Build Meaningful Relationships 

  • Clearly communicate what families can expect from our services. 

  • Inform families about potential benefits, costs, and commitments. 

  • Maintain clear boundaries between our professional work and personal matters. 

  • Uphold ethical conduct and avoid exploiting or abusing families. 

  • Actively listen and consider families' experiences during our collaboration. 

 Integrity and Honesty 

  • Be truthful and transparent in all our interactions. 

  • Accurately present our qualifications, experience and methods. 

  • Adhere to ethical principles and fulfill legal obligations. 

 Accountability and Openness 

  • Engage in open discussions with families about known risks in our work. 

  • Promptly inform families about any situations that may cause harm or risk. 

  • Take swift action to limit or rectify harm whenever possible. 

  • Review our work with families during supervision. 

  • Continuously assess families' experiences and the impact of our collaboration. 

Reviewed by Board of Trustees: September 2023 

Next review date: September 2024