Little Pips Peer Support Groups

Social and supportive sessions led by qualified professionals.

We know how isolating it can feel when you have a baby.

Our facilitated peer support groups are a wonderful opportunity to connect with other Mums and Dads and help your little one to enhance their emotional, physical and developmental health.

The groups offer a space for your baby to be with other babies, helping their early socialisation by showing them how to be with others and to learn to build relationships. The groups also give you the opportunity to meet other parents in a similar situation and for you all to explore different topics each week. The varying themes aim to improve relationships, because happy parents have happy babies; who are then able to achieve optimum health, wellbeing and achievements over their life time.

Little Pips is led by professionals who can provide you with expert advice and information on a wide range of topics including..

  • Developmental Milestones

  • Ideas for play and bonding

  • Self care

  • Growing together

  • Understanding your baby’s cues

  • plus much more!

The first 1001 days of a child’s life is a window of opportunity to impact on health outcomes throughout their lifespan, including long-term implications for the child’s cognitive and emotional development and their resilience to stress.  

“Its so nice to meet up with familiar faces and share our babies "new things" theyve learnt as well as vent about sleeping problems or little issues that crop up and get different perspectives from other mums and health visitors. Its so nice to be able to go out and meet other mums in a smaller group, its much less intimidating”

- Sophie

“With Little Pips, it’s nice to hear other mum’s experiences and also get some ideas on what we can do to help develop our relationship with our children in regards to learning. My highlight was watching my son learn to roll onto his belly during this group and also being reassured that he is a happy health boy and every baby has different development stages”

- Hayley

After benefiting from our services families often feel like they want to give back. If this is you, thank you, we appreciate your support.

Make a Donation
If you're able, consider making a donation to our Local Giving Page. Donations help us run our services.

Write a Google Review: Your review of your experience with DorPIP could encourage others to reach out for support, and benefit from our services as well.

Volunteering: Volunteer a little of your time to help with small tasks or projects. For instance, you could help spread the word about the DorPIP’s services on social media.

Spread the Word: Simply telling your friends, family, and colleagues about DorPIP the organization and the positive impact it has had on your life can go a long way.

 Little Pips FAQs

  • Our groups usually run for six weekly sessions that last 1.5 hours each. You can find the dates of our next group running on our social media pages and this webpage.

  • If you meet our criteria, we are able to offer you funding to attend the sessions for free. To see if we can do this, you’ll be asked to complete a Request for DorPIP services form which will assess if you can access our other services for free as well. 

    You may not find all the questions are relevant to the service you’ve requested, however this will give us a good overview of what is currently going on for you and your family.  

  • We have reoccurring six weekly Little Pips groups running at these locations:  

    Old Town Family Hub: Green Road, Poole, BH15 1QB - Limited on street parking.  Parking available at Sainsburys and then a 5 minute walk to Hub. 

    Info for Old Town: Due to the Children's Centre's Fire Policy, baby's prams must be stored in the pram shed outside of the children's centre. Babies sleeping in a pram can be accommodated but not the empty prams.  

    Turlin Moor Family Hub: Turlin Road, Poole, BH16 5AH  - There is parking onsite at the Hub through the green gates. 

  • Claire, DorPIP’s Health Visitor runs all out Little Pips groups, you can learn more about Claire on our Clinical Team page.

  • If you miss a class Claire can catch you up on anything you’ve missed at the next session. If you cannot attend one week, we ask that you give us as much notice as possible, either by texting or phoning us on 07393 524874, emailing Claire or emailing 

    If you decide that Little Pips isn’t for you, please let us know as our spaces are limited and we could offer it to someone else.

  • If there is space available, partners are more than welcome to come along but we do ask that they complete their own form to register with our service.