Alan’s Story

Why I’m Running the Bournemouth Half Marathon for DorPIP

In 2023, my wife and I welcomed our son, Avery, into the world. His arrival, however, wasn’t the joyful, straightforward experience we had hoped for. Avery was born as an emergency due to health complications, and his first week of life was spent in the intensive care unit at Poole Hospital’s NICU. My wife and I were overwhelmed with fear and uncertainty during those initial days. It was while Avery was still in the hospital that the nurses introduced us to DorPIP and the support they could offer in the weeks and months to come.

Several months later, I was invited to join DorPIP’s Dads Online Course, created by Mark Williams. This 6-week program became a lifeline for me. It wasn’t just about learning parenting skills; it was about connecting with other dads who were going through similar experiences. The space to talk, share, and learn from one another was invaluable. Mark’s insights into men’s mental health and the unique challenges fathers face during the early days of parenthood made a profound impact on me.

DorPIP didn’t just support me—they supported our whole family. My wife also attended courses and was signposted to resources that made her journey into motherhood a little easier. The care and attention DorPIP gives to every family are truly special, and it’s made all the difference to us.

This is why I’ve chosen to run the Bournemouth Half Marathon in support of DorPIP. They help so many families like ours, offering vital support during some of the most critical days of a baby’s life. Every donation helps them continue their essential work with new parents across Dorset, giving little ones the best possible start in life.

Help Me Support DorPIP By sponsoring my marathon run, you’ll be making a direct impact on families like mine, ensuring that DorPIP can continue offering their life-changing services. Please consider making a donation today. Your support means the world to me and many families in need.

Why Fundraising is Crucial for DorPIP

At DorPIP, we are a registered charity, and we don’t receive any statutory funding. This means that every service we provide to new parents and their babies across Dorset is made possible solely through the kindness of donations, local businesses, grant-making organisations, and fundraising efforts.

Without this incredible support, we simply couldn’t be there for families when they need us the most. The first 1,001 days of a baby’s life are a critical time for building secure, healthy attachments, and for many parents, this period is filled with challenges—emotionally, mentally, and practically. This is where DorPIP steps in, offering therapeutic support, expert advice, and a compassionate community to guide families through those crucial early years.

By fundraising for DorPIP, you’re not just helping to sustain a service; you’re investing in the futures of families across our county. Every pound raised ensures that we can continue reaching out to parents who are struggling, providing the support they need to create positive, lasting bonds with their babies. Whether it’s through our parent-infant therapy, peer support groups, or mental health resources, your contributions make all the difference in shaping healthy family dynamics and improving long-term outcomes for children.

Fundraising isn’t just important—it’s vital. With your help, we can continue our mission to give every child the best possible start in life, and we couldn’t do it without the generosity of people like you.
